Bloated? 3 Teas to Support Digestion.
Have you ever eaten out and afterwards started feeling like your tummy was a helium balloon? Wanting to unbutton your pants and started feeling super uncomfortable? Or got excited at a Holiday Dinner and overate all the delicious foods and sides that maybe aren't in your everyday routine and they upset your stomach? Here are my favorite teas that I keep with me to support healthy digestion and resolve bloating! (amazon links included)
Is known to be great for eliminating gas, bloating, any digestive issues. I always have an organic tea on hand and if I am at home I steep fennel seeds from the spice cabinet in a mug in some hot water.
Tried and true, my ultimate tea! I make it a point to always have fresh ginger root in the fridge for all sorts of things (curry, juices, smoothies, tea). When it comes to an upset stomach or digestion support this is my go-to. I peel the skin off the ginger root, grate a tsp or so in a mug and top it with some hot water. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes and strain if desired.
is known to have antimicrobials properties. that support digestion and can improve your microbiome. It also has compounds that are known to support stomach muscles in relaxing when your stomach is upset. Another herb that I always have in my spice cabinet and fresh in my garden! I love to steep both in hot water and add the occasional dash of local raw honey :)
Bloating is something that can happen from food intolerances, not chewing enough, lack of water, stress, and so much more. I notice for myself, that I will feel off if I eat at certain peoples houses that use ingredients I'm not used to or sometimes if I eat gluten (i.e. pizza) out! So most of the time I just end dinner with one of these options to be proactive with my digestion!
I hope these teas support you though life and the holiday season! I would love to hear how they helped you!
